Designed in Iraq

Typography — Al Qithara

Alqithara electronic industries company produce many electronic devices such radios and also related parts such cassette tape. The cover shown in the picture is for cassette tape produced by the company in the 80s. The logo of the company uses certain typography that borrows elements from Iraq traditional and a cassette tape representation.

Cassette tape cover (Alqithara) produced by the Electronic Industries Company in the eighties

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The project “Cultural and Creative Industries” is implemented by the GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut. It improves employment and income opportunities for creative professionals in six partner countries; Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa and operates mainly in the music, fashion, design and animation sectors. In addition to promoting the development of entrepreneurial, digital, creative and technical skills through training programmes, the project aims to strengthen the framework conditions and the ecosystem of the cultural and creative industries.